As a result of everyone in this house recovering from what we are now calling "The Virus That Makes You Glad You Cleaned The Toilet In That Place NOBODY Can See Unless They Are Sitting On The Floor Next To It" our Holiday Home Tour is not as festive as we would have liked. But the show must go on and with Toms help as guest poster it did.It takes a lot out of a guy to decorate a tree! Santa has to hang just right.
All the ornaments are not hanging on one side...HEY!...Who's doin' this me or you?
What do you do with those tiny pumpkins from Halloween and Thanksgiving? You make Snokinmen that's what!
Pay no attention to that GINORMARAMAS stocking hanging in the background...YES...I have been that good!
Mom loves Gargoyles. Doesn't he look Christmasy?
I helped Mom with this wreath,but without my cuteness it's nothing..HA HA!
One more picture to make you laugh. Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas!
Want to see more homes on the tour? Go to Jen's for the list!