And some pre-holiday dieting advice.....

No ,this isn't me ..I'm much taller.
Favorite Thing # 4....Food
This has been a strange week for me, food wise..I've had a hankering for Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches..No I'm not channeling Elvis..He liked his fried in butter...A tall glass of chocolate milk and I'm good to go!
Sorry this is the after picture....OOPS!From Around The World And Into My Blog !!!
The Real News:
P. Selvakumar places a garland on Selvi, a former stray dog, during their wedding in Manamadurai, India, Nov. 11. Selvakumar said he thinks he was cursed for stoning two other dogs to death and wed Selvi in an atonement attempt
Peggy Sez:
Mr. Selvakumar spoke to reporters after the ceremony.
" I only pray this will lift the curse put upon me for my wrongdoing and I will treat Selvi as I would any wife"
"Ruh Row !" was Selvi's only comment
The Real News:
A house shaped like a toilet was built in Suwon, South Korea, to commemorate November's inaugural meeting of the World Toilet Association.
Peggy Sez:
The owner of the house was overheard bragging to astonished visitors.
" Yep, I spent me a butt-load of money on this place, the construction crew was johnny on the spot from day one to completion" He was flush with pride as he hinted at plans for a superbowl party next year.
The Real News:
Paramilitary policemen exercise on parallel bars during a training session at a military base in Baokang, China, Nov. 5.
Peggy Sez:
When asked why this type of training was necessary the head of the paramilitary policeforce replied,
" Cirque De Soleil will be in China next year this will help in crowd control..and I do love me some gymnasts"
The Real News:
Mark Friga holds his dog Olivia before the WKEY Pet Masquerade Contest in Key West, Fla., Oct. 24.
Peggy Sez:
After a reporters question, as to what character his costume portrayed. Marks shocked reply was.
"What Costume?