Favorite Thing # 1..Things to do
Books..I love'em..I read everything,but I seem to be stuck on supernatural fiction at the moment.
Charlaine Harris and her: Southern Vampire Series and Julie Kenner with her :Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom...
Favorite Thing # 2
Computer Games..Hidden Picture, Mystery,The Sims2,Etc. "The Boy" and I spend a lot of,how shall I say it..Quality time..pondering clues and uncovering
those pesky hidden pics!
Favorite Thing # 3..Television Shows
I think I sense a theme here as Supernatural was my fav T.V. show ( I do like me some Dean and Sam Winchester) but I can't get it anymore except through Netflix. Now I Tivo the new show Cane and My Name Is Earl..Cane because of Jimmy Smits and Earl ...I'm not sure about Earl except I kinda like the karma thing...(my EX- in-laws should be in this show)...ACCKK!
Favorite Thing # 4....Food
This has been a strange week for me, food wise..I've had a hankering for Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches..No I'm not channeling Elvis..He liked his fried in butter...A tall glass of chocolate milk and I'm good to go!
Sorry this is the after picture....OOPS!
Favorite Thing # 4...Movies
I've always been an action flick kinda gal...(Back in the day.. Indiana Jones, Star Wars) A good car chase and shoot'em up and I'm there.Of course I won't pass up any Pirates (that we know) or Hobbits or Wizards. I am so easily entertained..LOL... ( This pics for you mrs.g. :p)

My humble opinion is that life is too short to be stuck with one or two favorite things..Don't get me wrong I have places in my heart that are etched in stone..All I'm saying is try new things everyday and pick up some new "favorites" along the way.....Check back next week...Who knows, maybe a nice Chanti and some Fava beans.. And some Sweeny Todd....Interesting.
Who knew there were demon hunting soccer moms? Thanks for playing, Peggy...and for the pirate photo!
I adore Charlaine Harris's Southern Vampire series, and Supernatural, Cane & Earl (definite eye candy in the first two), and hobbits & pirates & wizards...and I'm QUITE looking forward to Sweeney Todd!!!
Your after photo gave me a hearty chuckle. :-)
mrs.g. :I know some soccer moms who ARE demons.
janet: You must the twin sister I never knew about!
Zemomma: The empty glass gets them every time..LOL!
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