The top ten things to say about the "Special" Christmas Gift:
10. Hey! There's a gift!
9. Well, well, well ...
8. Boy, if I had not recently shot up 4 sizes that would've fit.
7. This is perfect for wearing around the basement.
6. Gosh. I hope this never catches fire! It is fire season though. There are lots of unexplained fires.
5. If the dog buries it, I'll be furious!
4. I love it -- but I fear the jealousy it will inspire.
3. Sadly, tomorrow I enter the Federal Witness Protection Program.
2. And to think -- I got this the year I vowed to give all my gifts to charity.
And the number one thing to say about the "Special" Christmas gift.....
1. "I really don't deserve this."
P.S. Click on the SNOWMAN...you know you want to!
Number five is my favorite. And if I don't quit eating caramels, my ass is going to be as big as that snow man's.
So funny! I have said that #1 answer too!
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