This is a pic of my backyard yesterday."The Boy" couldn't wait to get out in it and play.Oh wait, let me rephrase that.He and the Gortons Fisherman his dad couldn't wait to get out and play. Wave at Mom boys!
Here's a pic of Sasquatch my baby boy Yonv.
Bye Mom! We shall return as soon as our boots, jeans and paws are covered in snow/ice/mud...
Here's Tom in the hundredth picture of the day.Don'cha just want to pinch those cheeks?..LOL
On the contrary, those cheeks just demand lots of mom smooches.
Yes, I do want to pinch those beautiful cheeks. The snow looks so fun. Your dog looks like an ACTUAL wolf!
jen: Not to worry plenty of smooches were administered later!
mrs.g.: Yonv is a wolf/hybrid.He and the boys had a blast playing in the white stuff!
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