1. It's easy
2.It's fun
3.It's Monday
4. I don't have to use my BRAIN to do it.
5. Did I mention it's Monday?
So without futher ado I present...
Bizarre Holidays..
Catchy ain't it?
February 10-16 ... National Jello Week ( It's also Children of Alcoholics Week, but let's NOT go there today)
Would you like to hear about the "true" story of Jellos effect on history? Of course you would!
Lets go here !
For those of you still debating the real reason behind the demise of the Dinosaurs this looks promising!

And if you are truly mad for Jello you can always go here.
And who can forget this stirring tribute to the jiggly treat?
The Jello On My Fork
By Corn Syrup...
It sits there, the jello on my fork.
My fork holds the jello like a new born
The jello on my fork
The jello explores the forks many curves, the jello is content.
But it deserves better.
The jello on my fork.
Sliding through the teeth, the jello escapes the metal and lands in the bowl it first came from. The jello in the bowl.
The fork is lonely, and seeks another companion.
And dives in to the depths. After a few seconds it finds a red dream.
The fork cradles its catch.
The jello is happy. The fork is happy.
The jello on my fork.
I wept as I read these heart wrenching words...Corn Syrup,whoever you are,I bow to your artistry with the written word.......*Swoons and requires a chaise to recline on*
Well thats it kids,I hope you enjoyed this brief time with me! Be sure to tune in next Monday for the next installment of ..........Bizarre Holidays
I REALLY took some wiggle room on this one...No?
To commemorate this holiday, I'm making jello to go with dinner tonight. Thank you for raising awareness about this important holiday and equally important food group (sugar/geletan);)
Wiggle room...you are bad, very bad. I'm going to admit that I love jello-black cherry is my favorite.
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