I was so stunned to see that Zenmomma had given me this award it has taken me til now to get my
Mrs. G. at Derfwad Manor: She never ceases to amaze me with her self depreciating wit and stories of her life!
Melissa at Green Girl in Wisconsin:She and the adventures of Team Testosterone keep me in miles of smiles!
Hope at HopeRadio: I tune in everyday for her style of humor and thinking...Dark...Like that last piece of dark chocolate you find and hide from everyone else!
The Matron at MinnesotaMatron: Nobody tells a side splitting horror story from the bowels of the schoolroom like The Matron !
Jen at jenontheedge:When I hanker for tales from the girly side I make a beeline for this site.Things in JenWorld always put me in the pink...or purple!
And of course Zenmomma who really deserves this award because day after day she truly Makes My Day!
And Now For The rules:
1. Write a post with links to five blogs that make your day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the "You Make My Day Award" logo.
4. Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs or emailing them the news.
I was all set to put my congratulations in the comments and then I saw my name.
Congratulations to you and thank you for sharing the love with me.
A well deserved honor for you. Thanks for making my day and giving me a nod in there. :o)
Why thank you! Thank you so much!
What a bright spot on this Friday afternoon, especially from the woman who provides me with my regular jokes. Thank you so much. Have a great weekend.
Hey mama! It was a great surprise! Thank you and the academy and my husband and all the little people...how's that camera angle, Bob? It look alright?
To You All:
You guys are my "Fantasy" girlfriends.The one group of women I would love to meet and hang out with. I believe we could do some damage doing a night on the town!
Congrats on your first award! I'll have to check your honorees.
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