Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday...First Day Of School

Here is "The Boy" about to embark on his very first day of school ...ever. No pre-k or Kindergarten has ever beheld such a wonder because we had home schooled from day one.But this year he decided to give "regular" school a look see. I stoically did the school supply shopping,snack gathering and Open House drop in.
We started him on a schedule so the early morning rush wouldn't be.
All the rules about sharing,being polite and some kids not understanding those concepts were discussed.
I loaded up his little backpack last night and checked it again this morning.
Then it was time to go. The drive to the school was filled with chatter about how cool this was going to be and how much fun he was going to have.
"I see a parking space Mom!" he called out. He grabbed up his things and turned to me before we got out of the car.
I snapped this pic of him...Was that a look of apprehension? I wasn't sure.
One last kiss at the door to his classroom and he was gone.
I returned home to my quite house put in a load of wash,cleaned up the breakfast dishes, fed the menagerie and made myself another cup of coffee.
And then I cried.


Mrs. G. said...

What an exciting day. I hope he LOVES it.

Anonymous said...

I hope he had a PERFECT day. I hope you did too.

dkuroiwa said...

Oh...the first day of school! Did he just love it?
As my youngest will be starting next April...I read this post (as I have done others that are similiar in tone) with a bit of a heavy heart...no one told me that this "letting them grow up" process was so hard!
I'm expecting lots of tears...which means I'm going to need lots of Starbucks "sweet" drinks and maybe then some chocolate to help me through!

Zenmomma said...

I hope he has a great experience.

Then I hope he decides to come back home and forget this schooling business.;-)

~zenmomma,the diehard unschooler