Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Really Bad Hair Day

I don't usually watch Oprah,but seeing as how Dr. Oz was on her show yesterday and he really wants us ALL to be young again I figured what the heck.I tried to get my son Tom ( hereafter known as "The Boy") settled down with his toys. This was so I could actually hear the show instead of reading lips.Well needless to say "The Boy" had other ideas.
" But MOM I want you to play with me!"
"Sweetie, Mom wants to watch this show about being healthy and feeling good again"
" Who is that lady ?'
"Thats Oprah Winfrey, this is her show"
"Who is that guy with her..Is that her boyfriend?"
" No honey thats Dr. Oz"
" Well I guess she doesn't have a boyfriend then"
"What makes you say that?"
" She has terrible hair"
" Tom! That's not a nice thing to say"
" Well I don't like her..she has terrible hair"
Some days "The Boy" is brutal in his honesty.
" Sweetie! You can't dislike people because of their hair, Mommy has horrible hair do you not like me?"
" Geez Mom I HAVE to like you ..you're my Mom!"
Sigh.......Sorry Oprah.


Peggy Sez.. said...

Before anyone points them out..YES..I saw the typos (aka misspelled words)..And I stand corrected by my own little self..LOL!!

Karen Jensen said...

I am happy to read your new blog. Tell Tom I'm not nuts about Oprah's hair, but she's a nice gal anyway.

Mrs. G. said...

Your boy is on to something. I love me some Oprah, but I'm not liking the whole side ponytail curl thing. Don't you know moms are the most beautiful women in the world...all the kids say so.

Peggy Sez.. said...

Professor j
Thank you for being the first ..Alas no prize comes with this honor except for the Thank

Thanks for the heads up on what all the kids are saying!...LOL!!