Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's Groundhog Day...

Click here for all your Groundhog Day information....

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Friday Girls...Valentines List For Guys

Do you have a son, brother,uncle,grandpa or even a close guy friend who would benefit from this list? PLEASE help them now...The life you save may be their own.

Things not to say on your Valentine's date...

1. I really don't like this restaurant that much, but I wanted to use this 2-for-1 coupon before it expired.

2. People say I remind them of Eddie Haskell.

3. I used to come here all the time with my ex.

4. I never said you NEED a nose job. I just said it wouldn't hurt to consider it.

5. Could you excuse me? My cat gets lonely if he doesn't hear my voice on the answering machine every hour.

6. I like clay. It's mushy.

7. I really feel that I've grown in the past few years. Used to be I wouldn't have given someone like you a second look.

8. And I won that trophy in the inter-fraternity belching contest.

9. I know you said you don't eat anything with a face. But a good butcher will cut that part off for you if you ask.

10. It's been tough, but I've come to accept that most people I date just won't be as smart as I am.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

True confessions...

January has been a month of changes for me, starting with this...

Never mind about this,I just thought it was cute.

Some more of this.

And OMG these are soooo tasty! Thank goodness they only sent ONE package of these..this time MUHAHAHAHAHA !!

There has been a WHOLE LOT of this. Grunt! Groan! Sweat!

And even some of this. Git down wit my bad self...Well not TOO far down.

And so far I've lost !!???.............No silly not that much!

This much .

YEA ME!!!!!

Wicked Wednesday...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Now for something completely different...

Today's Random Fact...

The average human will eat an average of eight spiders while sleeping.

HMMMM...Maybe thats why I never get up for a midnight snack.
The snack comes to me, Arachnosnackia....
Sounds about right.