Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Doing my part..January

In an effort to become a little more GREEN I am doing one thing a month to change the planet!

Thank you.. Thank you.. All this applause is deafening.

Ok, so I just bought my first set of reusable canvas shopping bags. Do youse guys have any suggestions for next month?


Mrs. G. said...

Method cleaning products from Target-eco friendly, non-toxic and yummy smelling.

No more disposable coffee cups. Buy two travel mugs and always have one in the car and one being washed to come to the car. Hope this helps.

Peggy Sez.. said...

mrs. g.

Thanks! All hints/ideas are welcome!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'd also suggest starting a compost pile--if you have a garden, just make a cage or buy a bin and toss any meat-free kitchen scraps onto it. This reduces my landfill waste by about 1/4. I keep an ice cream pail lined w/ newspaper on my kitchen counter and toss peelings, coffee grounds, egg shells, so on right on in, and then every few days empty the bucket, newspaper and all, onto my pile. Good for the earth and doesn't smell at all.