Top O' The Morning To You All!
Since the SICK-AS-A-DOGITIS will NOT leave Divaland I've decided to let you pick a Bizarre Holiday and write your own commentary....Or not.
If you choose to do so just leave it in the comments for me (and my other readers reader) to chuckle over later..I REALLY need a laugh or two.
Thanks Guys!
American Chocolate Week 17 - 22
National Spring Fever 17 - 25
Act Happy Week 17 - 22
Wellderly Week 17 - 22
National Bubble Blowers Week 20 - 26
National Agriculture Week 16 - 22
National Animal Poison Prevention Week 16 - 22
National Inhalant and Poisons Awareness week 16 - 22
National Poison Prevention Week 16 - 22
St. Patricks Day 17
Awkward Moments Day 18
Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day 19
Snowman Burning Day 20
As Young As You Feel Day 22
National Goof Off Day 22
Easter 23
National Spring Fever 17 - 25
Act Happy Week 17 - 22
Wellderly Week 17 - 22
National Bubble Blowers Week 20 - 26
National Agriculture Week 16 - 22
National Animal Poison Prevention Week 16 - 22
National Inhalant and Poisons Awareness week 16 - 22
National Poison Prevention Week 16 - 22
St. Patricks Day 17
Awkward Moments Day 18
Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day 19
Snowman Burning Day 20
As Young As You Feel Day 22
National Goof Off Day 22
Easter 23
Oh good! It's national bubble blowers week! That means babies everywhere can celebrate their propensity to drool and spit! Or is this for gum bubbles? Or perhaps the bubbles you blow with a wand and soap? Snot bubbles? Now I'm confused...
This week in DivaLand it's snot bubbles..EWWWW..LOL!!!
Check it out! I have given you an award. Please drop by my blog to pick it up. Sorry you're sick. :-P
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