Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday...Toms Safety Tips For Kids...

Tip # 108...

Bubble wrap serves a twofold purpose...

First it keeps your children from being marred by those pesky chips,cracks,scrapes and tears that can occur during their everyday melees/free for alls/afternoon meltdowns etc.

Second,it makes an astoundingly cool noise when you do fall down.

*Helmets and shoes are optional but highly recommended*


Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...


My younger girl likes to put bubble wrap on her mini trampoline and then JUMP.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Plus, it looks pretty cool:)

dkuroiwa said...

Who doesn't like bubble wrap?! That stuff is amazing!
I'd show that picture to my boys, but then...I have to go and buy some, 'cause you know they'd wanna do it, too!!!