Monday, January 21, 2008

New Blogger Alert...

My BFF who is also my SIL (lucky her) just started her own blog.
She is kinda nervous about what to do/say/etc. Please go over and make her feel welcome. I know she will be a great addition to the community.

Here is the link:


Now about me, I'm having a god awful kill me now bad hair day.I think it would be wonderful if everyday hats came back in fashion..N'est- pas?


Zenmomma said...

My hair is doing the blahs today too. Let's bring back hats together.

Anonymous said...

Oh the winter hair--staticky, splitting, dry and lethargic. Yes, I'm talking about hair here.

Mrs. G. said...

Yes, your hair looks, well, slimy. I'll head over and say hello.

Casdok said...

Yep me to haveing a bad hair day!

Karen Jensen said...

I'm thinking hats are a good idea.